alone in the pretense

a fan fiction archive

The Spark Inside

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I’m still alive! Sorry about the lack of updates. I’ve been really busy the last couple of weeks with work and school, and I really haven’t had much of a chance to do any writing. I have a couple of chapters of Solace that I need to read over and send off to my beta. I’m going to attempt to do that, amoung a million other things, this weekend. With any luck, I’ll have a new chapter for you next Friday. *crosses fingers*

I’m so happy that you all enjoyed the ending of Orange Sky. I miss it so much already. Not enough to write a sequel or anything, but maybe some drabbles. We’ll see. Thank you so much to Chelsi, Diana, Renee, Jessica, brooke, Sara, Katie, Nat, Hayley, Jen, Gotyou, and Alissa for all taking the time to sign the guestbook and let me know your thoughts on the last chapter of the story. šŸ™‚

In the meantime, while I’m trying to get my crap together and find time to write and update something, I’m actually updating today because I’m bringing The Spark Inside back for another round. I meant to update about this sooner because signups have been open for about a week already. Anyway, I wanted to post here and spread the word. I hope that if you’re a writer, you’ll join in this year. It’s really a lot of fun, and lots of really great stories have been written in the process. So if you’re interested, check it out for the specifics. We have a new challenge this year that I think will produce some really interesting results. And, if you could help spread the word, that would be wonderful!

Hopefully, I’ll come bearing real updates next week!

Author: Brittney

Iā€™m Brittney, a 20 something from a small town in Indiana. I have a degree in Visual Communications and while graphic and web design are both things I enjoy, writing is my true passion. I am also a complete book worm, music fanatic, tv junkie and movie lover.

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