alone in the pretense

a fan fiction archive

New Found Glory – I Don't Wanna Know

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I wish I could come up with some witty or amusing way to begin my updates. If only I could be more like Silly. Anyway, I’m too tired to try to be amusing or witty right now. Besides, I poured all of that into the chapter and half of Infinite I wrote earlier today, but you’ll have to wait to read those chapters because they’re unedited, and probably massively frightening to read. I believe I could be the typo queen, but I wouldn’t want to put myself up on a pedistal. Though I’m not sure many people would want to claim to be worse with typos than me.

Anyway, ramble much? Yes. So, I decided to be generous yet again and put up two new chapters of Infinite. And I did this despite the lack of feedback on the last chapter. So thank you Heather, Hayley, Becca, Michelle G, Maria, and Riikka for signing the guestbook and telling me what you thought of Chapter Eleven.

Hopefully, I’ll get a better response to Twelve and Thirteen. *hint hint* Besides the two new chapters, I have a new short story, which can be found at The Spark Inside. It’s called Something New. I’d really love to hear what people thought if it. I struggle with short stories, so please tell me if it’s any good or not.

Voting is still open at both the Reckless Abandon Awards and The Soundtrack Awards, so make sure you vote if you haven’t already. And These Walls is up on that polls at JSOR, so if you’re part of the book club and want it to be the next thing to read, vote here.

Remember feedback tends to make me a more generous updater. 😉

Author: Brittney

I’m Brittney, a 20 something from a small town in Indiana. I have a degree in Visual Communications and while graphic and web design are both things I enjoy, writing is my true passion. I am also a complete book worm, music fanatic, tv junkie and movie lover.

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